LibraryThing | Catalog your books online The social book website I’ve been waiting for.
links for 2006-05-16
Community Information Corps: Opportunity to get involved in post-Katrina research Scholar in New Orleans issues a call for help conducting research about race and inequality in the Katrina response. Peter Levine: “A Mild Protest” This is hilarious, and sad. What self-respecting activist turns up at an administration meeting to chastise them for failing to “encourage” […]
Up to Twelve
I just added Yahoo360 to the list of social networking sites where I maintain active profiles. Are you on it? Click through to my profile and add me. Also, why aren’t there more Dodgeball users in DC?
The Smartphone World’s ‘Killer Ap’?
Readers of this blog will know I’ve been a happy owner of a Treo 650 since December 2005. The device handles email, simple web browsing, text messaging and Palm Pilot functions well on top of having a great sounding phone with long battery life. Although the software could be better, the device is compact and […]
The Emerging DC Real Estate Blogosphere
In the last few months I’ve noticed an increasing number of blogs dedicated to writing about real estate and development in the D.C. area. In my view this newly emerging real estate blogosphere is another sign of the maturing of the local blogosphere, which I expect to continue to develop multiple niches. I’m also interested […]
links for 2006-05-09
DCist: Introducing LastCall DCist launches SMS information service with Metro times, movie times, weather, music listings, and more.
Technology and Urban Development College Park
Update, 10/24/06: Please visit the new blog Rethink College Park College Park wants to be more “college town.” It turns out the home of the University of Maryland isn’t very college-town-y: it’s part auto-based sprawl, part dismal inner-ring suburb, and nothing like Tuscon, Ann Arbor, Madison, or any other of the country’s great college towns. […]