Model D – Detroit is Flat “(We must) stop living in the past, embrace the future. There is no other option.” Michigan theorist has tough words for the state’s economy. Nothing too new (Richard Florida, anyone?), but well stated. An Inconvenient Truth Everyone should see this movie about global warming. A ‘more revolutionary’ Web […]
Was Harry Hopkins a Soviet Spy?
Short answer: no. Did he pass a secret to the Russians? Perhaps. Lately I’ve become interested Harry L. Hopkins, a man who rose from humble beginnings to become Franklin D. Roosevelt’s closest advisor. Hopkins was a study in contrasts: he was not only an idealistic small-town midwesterner, but also a jaded New Yorker at home […]
links for 2006-06-05 A New Era of Plessy in California? What happens when you ban affirmative action: This fall, out of over 4,800 incoming freshman at UCLA, 96 are black.
links for 2006-06-03
WWE 2006 | 3rd Annual Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics Just found out about this.
links for 2006-06-02
Competitive Enterprise Institute: We Call it Hot Air Industry group releases attack ads criticizing Al Gore’s movie.
Probing the Nature of Blog Communities
I heard about Noor Ali-Hasan’s masters’ thesis from a friend in Ann Arbor a while back, and she has recently posted a condensed version of her thesis on the web. Titled “Analyzing the Social Patterns and Behaviors Associated with Blogrolls and Blog Comments,” Ali-Hasan sets out to determine if blogs “facilitate the formation of new […]
links for 2006-06-01
Sorg and Associates, P.C. An interesting architectural firm in D.C. I stumbled across. Journal of Public Transportation Journal with free full-text archives.