Category: Links

links for 2006-05-16

Community Information Corps: Opportunity to get involved in post-Katrina research Scholar in New Orleans issues a call for help conducting research about race and inequality in the Katrina response. Peter Levine: “A Mild Protest” This is hilarious, and sad. What self-respecting activist turns up at an administration meeting to chastise them for failing to “encourage” […]

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links for 2006-05-07

Diamondback Online – Smile! They’re watching you The U. of Maryland maintains a network of security cameras on campus, which they use to monitor every part of campus and even “follow” people home late at night to deter crime.

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links for 2006-05-02

Sifry’s Alerts: State of the Blogosphere, April 2006 Part 2: On Language and Tagging Although the data is a bit hazy, Technorati thinks about 30% of blog posts are currently in english. A Work in Progress: The Reynolds Center Take a peek inside the Smithsonian American Art Museum which opens this July after a lengthy […]

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links for 2006-05-01 Best Bets 2006 The Washington Post’s annual reader poll often includes corporate chains as the “best” in a variety of categories. Outgrowing Jane Jacobs and Her New York – New York Times Column critiques Jane Jacobs and raises some interesting points. Although not focusing on race or inequality her book does include some ideas […]

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