The reading room at the Bentley Historical library will be closed for the month of August for construction of a new addition. See official website here.
“Surely, such a threat should be met with intelligence gathering of the highest quality — not by putting the question to individuals betting onan Internet website. …Spending taxpayer dollars to create terrorism betting parlors is as wasteful as it is repugnant,” they added. > From a letter written by Senators Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Ron […]
Think you know what will happen in the Middle East? The chances Yasser Arafat will be assassinated? How long Saudia Arabia’s monarchy will last? Put your money where your mouth is. Thanks to the Defense Department, you might soon be able to do just that in the Policy Analysis Market: “Pentagon’s futures market plan condemned” […]
A friend recently sent me a link to this story on about the Transportation Security Administration’s “No-fly” and “strict security” lists with either prohibit certain people from flying, or single them out for searches or detentions: “Grounding the flying nun” “Evidence compiled in a series of interviews suggests that activists on the left and […]
Haddad’s family has been deported:> AANews 6/27: “Family’s deportation closes one chapter”> DetNews: “Supporters rally as Haddad’s wife, children deported”> Freep: “Wife, children of Ann Arbor activist also deported” Also, this on the RIAA’s crackdown on teens for file-swapping, something most musical artists encourage: “The RIAA subpoena claims the Ann Arbor user violated copyright laws […]
This week’s Michigan Daily, includes among its three news stories a lengthy write-up about the 6-year dispute between University administrators and Prof. William Kauffman: “Intellectual frad trial against ‘U’ postponed” “The trial comes after at least one failed attempt between the parties to settle, in which the University offered Kauffman $300,000 on the conditions that […]
According to a complaint filed by civil rights organizations opposed to Ward Connerly’s anti-affirmative action initiative in Michigan, his group may be laundering the money used to run the campaign. CONNERLY UPDATES: “Some Republicans worry that a contentious battle over affirmative action could adversely impact President Bush’s chances of capturing Michigan in next year’s re-election […]