The American Civil Liberties Union recently announced the first-ever legal challenge of a provision of the U.S.A. Patriot act that allows federal authorities to demand individuals turn over “any tangible thing” without a warrent, and in total secrecy. The suit is let by attorneys from the Michigan state office. From their press release: “Ordinary Americans […]
The Downtown Development Authority is considering improvements to Huron street, Fifth Avenue, and Division, including “bike lanes, art sculptures and trees” by commissioning a $500,000 study. I applaud their initiative, but it seems secretive – the Ann Arbor News must concede “details are sketchy.” I believe planning of this sort comes out best when the […]
This was sent to my by my friend Adam Konner, and I thought it made a lot of sense so I decided to post it here … Boycott the Recording Industry “The RIAA has issued at least 911 subpoenas so far, according to court records. Lawyers have said they expect to file at least several […]
Who is Howard Dean? “In the Vermont political spectrum, he was a moderate or a centrist,” said Eric L. Davis, a professor of political science at Middlebury College in Vermont. “In the spectrum of Vermont, he was not someone who was a strong supporter of left or progressive causes.” Not having read much about Howard […]
Another U-M Blogger Mike Roth has posted a response to the RIAA’s tactics of attacking individual MP3 file traders, announcing he’s going to resume buying CD’s but do everything he can to keep the record labels from making any money from him. All good stuff, until I get to the part where he bashes the […]
The University of Michigan Hospital was given the green light by the U-M Regents to begin improvements that will total $260 million at their meeting last month. The projects include a new cardiovascular center, expanded laboratories, more operating rooms and procedure rooms, more hospital beds, and hiring more surgeons. > See “U-M hospitals’ $260M campaign […]
“Akerlof: “… As of March 2003, the CBO estimated that the surplus for the next decade would approximately reach one trillion dollars. But this projection assumes, among other questionable things, that spending until 2013 is going to be constant in real dollar terms. That has never been the case. And with the current tax cuts, […]