This week’s Michigan Daily, includes among its three news stories a lengthy write-up about the 6-year dispute between University administrators and Prof. William Kauffman: “Intellectual frad trial against ‘U’ postponed”
“The trial comes after at least one failed attempt between the parties to settle, in which the University offered Kauffman $300,000 on the conditions that he retire and sign a gag order.”
Another article wraps-up the Friday fire at the Ann Arbor Technology Center, a large warehouse-like building that had been the only place near downtown where an eclectic combination of bands, artists, and small businesses could afford rent. The fire sped the destruction of the building, further squeezing the small percentage of Ann Arbor that makes it unique. City leaders obviously haven’t read Jane Jacob’s The Death and Life of Great American Cities, where she discusses the need for unusual, older buildings to provide space for individuals that can’t manage the high rent new construction demands.
“Michelle Hinebrook, a painter who had a studio on the second floor, said the Technology Center was the home to many organizations, including the Five Five Five Galley, Flockworks Studio, and a dance studio.
Hinebrook added that she feels the Technology Center is something you don’t find in most cities, and its destruction represents a great loss to the community.
“Ann Arbor likes to see itself as a cultural hub, and it is — to a certain extent, but it’s taken a great loss,” she said.
She added that efforts should be made to find another low-rent space for the artists to relocate to, as most who were formerly based at the Technology Center have relocated to Ypsilanti or Detroit.
“It’s sad that things are just stopping for the creative community that existed there,” she said. “When all the artists leave the city, you are going to feel the after-effects of that.”