Like all authors, I look forward to reading book reviews to learn how readers are reacting to my work, and I plan to compile links to all reviews on this webpage. Although it will take some time for reviews to appear in scholarly and professional publications given their editorial timelines, two readers have recently published short reviews online.
Economic development consultant Erik Pages posted a review to his blog. Noting the topic is especially relevant due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Erik writes that “I expect that I’ll use it regularly as a future reference guide–it would also be useful for students and newcomers to the field.” Calling it “relatively jargon-free,” he concludes “It’s well worth reading.”
Posting his five-star review to, Kuan Butts (as a disclosure, a professional acquaintance) calls the book “a meticulously assembled overview of scenario planning,” and the review includes a photo of his heavily annotated copy. In addition, Kuan provides some interesting reflections on the section of my book about project evaluation, arguing different type of project may require distinct evaluation approaches.
Thank you for the reviews, Erik and Kuan!