As I was writing my book, Scenario Planning for Cities and Regions, I realized there were topics I wanted to touch on but that didn’t fit neatly within the main narrative. I ended up placing these tidbits in a series of supplementary boxes that are placed in relevant chapters. Since they touch on issues I am often asked about, but do not appear in the table of contents, I thought I would list them here by number (and noting page numbers):
- Scenarios in Other Fields (p. 25)
- Using Exploratory Scenarios to Understand Automated Vehicles (p. 75)
- Serious Games as a Scenario Tool (p. 90)
- Tools for Place-Type Development and Analysis (p. 97)
- Transportation Demand Modeling for Scenario Planning (p. 100)
- Is Scenario Planning More Expensive? (p. 125)
- Challenging Official Futures with an Equity, Environment, and Jobs Scenario in San Francisco (p. 182)
- The Consortium for Scenario Planning: An Emerging Community of Practice (p. 195)
Varying in length and content, the boxes summarize work on various topics, highlight noteworthy studies and cases, and place scenario planning in a broader context. The final box describes the Consortium for Scenario Planning, a network of urban planning practitioners that I am a member of, that connects individuals interested in the use of scenario planning tools and methods.