As a newly accepted University of Maryland graduate student, was all set to attend their 8th annual “Maryland Day” event planned for tomorrow. Unfortunately, some last minute work travel popped up so I won’t be able to go. This year the annual end-of-year event is doubling as a 150th anniversary, and they have all kinds […]
links for 2006-04-26
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers Robert Greenwald’s latest film. EchoDitto: Moving From Online Activity to Real-World Action The web consulting firm where some of my friends work has issued a new report on online organizing. Back To The Woom: The Passion For Ayn Rand Nick has some thoughts on Ayn Rand. MuniWireless » Blog […]
Jane Jacobs, 1917-2006
While I was distracted by my birthday I was sad to hear yesterday that author, activist, and thinker Jane Jacobs died yesterday in Toronto at the age of 89. Although her obituary in today’s Post is good, the New York Times piece is longer and does a better job explaining her life and ideas. I […]
Washington Post’s Express Launches Website
Since it’s been mentioned a few places elsewhere, I thought I should note the Washington Post company’s Express free commuter daily has launched a website centered around a blog authored mostly by my friend Mike Grass. If you recall, I founded DCist with Mike in July 2004 and edited it with him for nearly a […]
Grad School
It’s official: I’m attending the Master of Community Planning program at the University of Maryland’s School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation in the fall. It’s a two year master’s program in urban planning that requires an internship and studio project in addition to the coursework. I will also be a TA for the freshman introductory […]
After nearly four solid months of hardly leaving the District limits, I find myself on the verge of a flurry of travel: 4/28-4/30: Ann Arbor (fun) 4/30-5/5: Montgomery, Alabama (work) 5/27-5/29: Carmel, California (friend’s wedding) Of course, if you are in these places you have my number. I’m hoping to make it up to New […]
Trotskyites On the March
According to media reports, leaders of the Trotskyite organization the Revolutionary Workers League (RWL) have been active in Lansing, Michigan, organizing a counter-protest to a Nazi rally there over the weekend. The Lansing State Journal reported about 100 counter-protestors turned up at the peaceful April 22 rally. I found one local blogger, historymike, who posted […]