Although I appreciate the link to this site on, I’d like to make clear there is no connection between myself and that website. The list of services they are advertising sounds promising, but the sheer number of advertisements makes me suspect it’s someone’s idea of a money making venture. Also, today is the Student […]
The members of the Michigan Student Assembly and Students Supporting Affirmative Action who had been using MSA chambers to organize the busses to D.C. over the weekend were kicked out of the MSA offices this afternoon. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I find it odd – especially since MSA voted to supported affirmative […]
The California State Fullerton campus’ student newspaper the Titan has sent a reporter to Iraq as an ’embedded’ correspondent. His most recent article is about troops building prisons in the south of Iraq. Great work, Operation “Iraqi Freedom.”
This AP story notes a book by Sandra Day O’Connor set for release April 8 praises the diversity of the Supreme Court itself: “Justice O’Connor Extols Diversity in Book”
This AP story about The Michigan Community Scholars Program help put a face to the much-touted “diversity” you’ll be hearing so much about next Tuesday. Criticisms about “political correctness” aside, it’s clear even conservatives put a little something into the mix; ‘”I have a hall full of conservative men,” said Jamie Jameson, a white female […]
After Michigan State’s upset victory in the NCAA tournament Friday night, the AP reports 17 were arrested in the 1,500-person celebration, while the Michigan State News said it was more than 20. Also, a State News headline to another story reads “Spartans celebrate how they normally do”. At least they’re being honest.
IFC President Branden Muhl has written to me about my post below, insisting his quote was taken out of context and asking me to remove my post. I replied, telling him about the “comments” feature and offering to post a rebuttle on his behalf. He replied, declining the offer. I maintain: I believe his comments […]