My employer People For the American Way is always able to work their Hollywood connections for some interesting loot to auction off as part of their annual eBay celebrity auction. This year is no exception — the goods include The Von Bondies handwritten lyrics to “C’mon, C’mon” (currently at $25!), a private tour of Desperate […]
RFID Chips and The Gap
In recent years a number of privacy advocates have been trying to draw attention to a new technology — RFID chips. Basically, RFID chips are a simple circuit which emit a unique signal when a reader is within range — for most not more than a few feet. The chips are small, lightweight, waterproof, and […]
Town Hall
I got this message about Town Hall in Glover Park: This Thursday, November 10th the ANC will be holding its monthly meeting at the Guy Mason building at 7PM . At this meeting, the ANC will consider the issue of whether or not to endorse Town Hall’s request for permenant hours of operation. For those […]
I’m exploring employment options. If you know of any opportunities that may interest me please drop me a line!
Stencil in Ledroit Park
We liked this stencil. It reads “Our dreams cannot fit in their ballot boxes.”
Labor Day Tubing Trip
I have posted the photos to my Labor Day tubing adventure. Go check them out.
Working Assets to Protest Grover Norquist
Hurricane Katrina is not only a national tragedy, it is also exhibit A of the devastating human consequences of the conservative movement’s anti-government agenda,” said Andrew Boyd, of Working Assets. “By taking this action, we’re saying Katrina was in large part a man-made disaster, and two of the men who made it were Grover Norquist […]