Category: Ann Arbor

Fristabuster ‘Protest of the Year’

The Princeton Filibuster, which I helped bring to D.C., was selected by Mother Jones magazine as the protest of the year: “The 384-hour gabfest wrapped up with a ‘fili-bus-tour’ to Washington, D.C., where guest bloviators Senators Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) joined in.” Also making the list of notable campus activism: anti-Coke activism, […]

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Ann Arbor Politics

Jason Pesick has been thinking about Drinking Liberally … and blogging … and local politics. The overall piece is a bit convoluted, but I appreciate his mentions to some of my pet issues. The Daily also has this long op-ed on student voting which I haven’t made my way through yet, but I hear is […]

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Chipati Sauce

A reader who found my post on the recipe for Chipati says I am missing an ingredient: I was looking on your site one day in my quest to find the recipe for chipati sauce. I tried the ranch dressing and red hot but that wasn’t exactly it. The missing ingredient is none other than […]

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Eugene Kang Loses Primary

According to Eugene’s campaign and the Washtenaw County website, Eugene Kang has lost his primary for Ann Arbor’s Ward 2 city council seat against former Republican candidate for mayor Stephen Rapundalo with a vote of 480 to 575. Eugene earned 45.5% of the vote to Mr. Rapundalo’s 54.5%. According to the canvass report, Eugene carried […]

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Ann Arbor Ward 2 Voters: Vote For Eugene Kang!

U-M undergrad and candidate for City Council in Ward 2 (contains the Hill Dorms and Northeast Ann Arbor) Eugene Kang’s primary election is today. If you are a registered Ward 2 voter, go vote for Eugene! > See Eugene’s official website > See results as they are reported Some campaign lit I had posted earlier […]

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