I just posted my monthly blog post to Planetizen. Here’s part: After the dramatic collapse of the Minneapolis freeway bridge last week, the collective hand-wringing began. The bridge was known to be faulty, but had not been replaced. Our entire public transit system is underfunded, we were told. In addition to transportation infrastructure, those concerned […]
The British ‘ePlanning’ Invasion
There were a few items that came out of the American Planning Association Conference in Philadelphia I attended I wanted to note here. Not the least of which was the art of Isaiah Zagar I stumbled across in an alley, and the recently saved Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens. I couldn’t helped but be reminded of Detroit’s […]
Urban Planning and Web 2.0
I thought I would note I’ve posted an article about potential applications of Web 2.0 technologies in the field of urban planning to the Planetizen blog: Planetizen: How Can Planners Use the Web? I’ll keep a running list of my posts to Planetizen in the column on the left.