In a feedback below, “Josh” denies Tim Wise’s claim that “In just the last several years, over a half-dozen white journalists have been busted for plagiarism or fabricating stories … yet none provoked this kind of outrage.” Josh writes: “Were they really in the same scope as this guy? Maybe they were, if so I’d […]
Perhaps the University’s most persistant FOIA gadfly, Chetly Zarko has penned an op-ed piece about his findings in the Wall Street Journal. While I disagree with his conclusions, I do suspect the University does everything it can to keep certain things secret. To see the University’s response to his allegations, see this reply sent to […]
Tim Wise, an activist and speaker that visited campus last semester, has written an excellent column about the Jayson Blair debacle.
The Michigan Indymedia center has posted a version of my article about the Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies.. The leaders of local public Universities appealed to the state legislature for more funds. The latest from President Coleman:“[Coleman] said that U-M’s enrollment has increased 4,500 students since 1985, about 13 percent, to its current total of nearly […]
Want to know how much your professors earn?See Earnings at the University of Michigan
The Ann Arbor News began their crusade to stop a city council resolution about the U.S. Patriot act written by local activists in their story “Patriot Act targeted by council.” Aside from trying as hard as possible to make the effort sound secretive and shady (it’s not – see this May 11 Detroit News story), […]
There’s lots of campus construction-related activity to report from yesterday’s Regents meeting:> Plans for the long-discussed Law Quad addition were made public yesterday – the 1950’s aluminum addition will be replaced by a building that would continue down Tappan nearly over the underground addition.> A massive new medical building will be constructed in the middle […]