U-M Football player Marlin Jackson has plead innocent today to the charges he hit a man with a bottle at a party.
According to a recent poll of Michigan Democrats, Dean gained while Lieberman lost percentage points. The right hand column reflects change since a late-May poll. The margin of error is 6 percentage points. Joseph Lieberman 19% -8Richard Gephardt 19% 0John Kerry 14% -1Howard Dean 13% +9John Edwards 6% +4Al Sharpton 5% +1Carol Moseley Braun 5% […]
The Michigan Land Use Council, appointed by Governor Granholm to investigate ways to preserve open space and prevent suburban sprawl in the state, is preparing to release their report August 15. The Ann Arbor news reports: “A local builders group representative gave the recommendations mixed reviews, while a local land preservation leader generally was positive […]
More details are emerging about the graduate student accused of stealing 60 people’s UMICH passwords. According to legal documents, he obtained most of the passwords through a physicial keystroke logger – a device that plugs in between a keyboard and computer. He also got passwords: “by creating a bogus log-in screen that appeared to be […]
After having a nice discussion about my Dean comments with a GU visitor, I thought I would add a bit to my Dean bashing. First, I have nothing against Mr. Dean personally; he seems altogether a decent moderate with independent leanings. I’m happy he is doing so well because I loathe the Bush administration and […]
Don’t get me wrong, I think Dean is wonderful and everything, but I guess some part of me was hoping it wouldn’t have to be a rich, WASP-y white guy from the Right Family who went to an elite prep school, Yale, dodged the draft, and partied it up before decided to get serious and […]
I’ve long been a fan of ‘fairly traded’ coffee, and I just found this website operated by a religiously-affiliated coffee growing cooperative in the southern part of Mexico. The best part is perhaps the reasonable prices – they’re offering roasted beans for $8 a pound, and unroasted beans for $4!> www.justcoffee.org