“Shipley, 25, a 1996 graduate of Huron High School, appears in a “Girls of the Big 10” pictorial in the new October issue. She autographed copies of the magazine at two Ann Arbor stores Thursday. Photographed in the buff but for a chain link belt, she’s featured in a 10-page pictorial of what Playboy claims […]
Recent crime from the Ann Arbor News: “Woman reports peeping tom An Ann Arbor woman said a man was peeking through her blinds into the bedroom of her home early Thursday, city police reported. The 20-year-old woman, who lives in the 500 block of Packard Street, called police at 8:27 a.m. after she saw the […]
” … Should the daily seek total administrative independence from the University? I don’t know, since there clearly are benefits to being an arm of Fleming: the ability to use the University’s investment office to invest their surplus funds, and their cheap telephone and internet resources that enable the Daily to save money. There have, […]
Feedback I’ve recieved: “I’ve enjoyed your critiques of the Michigan Daily, even though I work on the Eastern Echo (which itself is desperately in need of a kick in the ass). And sure, most of the time I’m just an entertainment writer (at the Echo or at Current Magazine), but I see the slow slide […]
As a student of University history, I thought my readers would be interested in this tidbit I came across in a biography of Alexander Grant Ruthven, who served as President of the University of Michigan from 1929 to 1951. (The Bentley has a nice page about former U-M presidents here) In the early days of […]
My friend Mike Grass who currently works as professional reporter and copyeditor, but formerly served as a Daily news reporter, editor, and editorial page editor, has written a letter to the editor disagreeing with part of my “Agenda for Change.” Here’s the complete text, which he asked me to post: “Newspapers are not democratic institutions […]
In a letter to the editor today, former MSA president Matt Nolan seems to claim credit for the changes to the Code of Student Conduct, although I distinctly remember discussing an explicit burden of proof with OSCR head Keith Elkin and VP for Student Affairs Royster Harper during the year and a half I served […]