A couple photos: the Geoff Larcom ad, and a photo of the Planada Building taken today, slated for demolition sometime this fall.
This event looks interesting … “GREAT EVENT This Monday night! Come see our FABULOUS State Rep Chris Kolb debate Republican UM Regent Andrew Richner! MONDAY NIGHT 7p.m. in Hale Auditorium at the B-School. The topic is “Government’s Role in the Future of Business” so come with lots of questions about corporate responsibility! Sponsored by Alpha […]
I thought I’d note another Ann Arbor-related blog I’ve come across recently. Former resident Richard James Murphy writes about a variety of issues including planning on his blog “Common Monkeyflower,” recently commenting on my posts about Jane Jacobs and sidewalk safety, and land economics and the “Corner House Lofts” on State Street.
Modernism at Michigan I wrote the following for an art history course I’m taking, but I thought visitors of this website may be interested it part of it. I begin after my professor asked me if I agreed with a quote from Le Corbusier’s “Towards a New Architecture,” one of the most influential manifestos of […]
“To our readers: The Michigan Daily celebrates its 113th birthday today. As we strive to uphold our tradition of journalistic integrity, we will also work to reach out to all members of the University community and encourage their participation and feedback. Thanks to you, our readers, the Daily’s dedication to providing a voice for students […]
Geoff Larcom has an axe to grind, and the Ann Arbor news is more than happy to provide the venue: yes, that’s right, a hard-hitting suite of articles dissecting the University’s travel funding. > “U-M failing to save on travel”> “U-M’s travel spending ranks near top nationwide”> “U-M faculty’s frequent fliers like to book their […]
“Zero-tolerance”? Try again: “The University of Michigan’s zero-tolerance policy on hazing was not applied to the Sigma Chi fraternity six months ago despite a student’s allegation that he was injured in a hazing incident, a university official said Friday. The fraternity did not face official sanctions, such as closing or losing its charter, because the […]