Student Ghetto Break-ins are light this week … “800 block of East University Avenue, 11:38 p.m. Thursday. Entry gained through bedroom window; a laptop computer valued at $2,000 taken. 500 block of Walnut Street, 4 p.m. Thursday. Entry gained through unlocked door; a bicycle, portable CD player and Nintendo Game Cube taken. Total value: $290″(AANews)
Ann Arbor has gained another blogger, at least until May 2005, the authors claim. Yes authors: “” is run by “AirBeagle” and “Brandhast,” or Steve and Frank. The name? Taken ironically. We like that. Meanwhile, the authors are discovering some of the many joys of Ann Arbor, including ladybugs, underreported crime, North Campus, chalkings, and […]
Here’s the results of a recent statewide poll of likely Democratic primary voters: Dean: 21%Clark: 15%Gephardt: 13%Kerry: 13%Lieberman: 12%Sharpton: 4%Braun: 4%Kucinich: 2%Edwards: 1%Undecided: 13%Margin of error: +/- 5%
Thomas Sugrue, U-M grad and author of “Origins of the Urban Crisis” will be speaking in the 284-seat Angell Hall Auditorium B next Thursday. Here’s an announcement about the talk sent by the lecture organizers: “The Michigan Colloquium on Race and Twentieth-Century American Political Development presents the second of eight public lectures: PROFESSOR THOMAS J. […]
Somebody say “union” here? A recent visitor:“10 Oct, Fri, 14:16:44 MSIE 6 Windows 2000” I haven’t linked to it in a while, but for information about the corporation-wide unionization drive, see
Don’t mess with Diag “… Employees at the Diag Party Store said the 25-year-old man came in at 2:17 p.m. [Wednesday] and cut in front of the line of customers to demand 80 cents for bottle returns, reports said. The employees said the man did not have any bottles but claimed he already put them […]
The Michigan Democratic Party has invited all nine Democratic presidential candidates to come to a forum at the Michigan Union on October 25, the day before a debate planned in Detroit.