Town Hall

I got this message about Town Hall in Glover Park:

This Thursday, November 10th the ANC will be holding its monthly meeting at the Guy Mason building at 7PM . At this meeting, the ANC will consider the issue of whether or not to endorse Town Hall’s request for permenant hours of operation. For those who have not been following the issue, in summary, Town Hall is simply requesting that it be allowed to remain open as late as other restaurants in the city and in the neighborhood. We are asking to be open as late as Saveur was before us, and for the same hours of operation that Kavanaugh’s, Bourbon, Grog & Tankard, Austin Grill, and the two strip clubs have. There are a handful of residents, however, who oppose this request – they would like us to close at 11:30 every night. In a neighborhood of 8,000 people, they feel that their voice should be the only ones heard. This Thursday, however, can be your chance to dispel that notion. The ANC is very fair and balanced and will consider every viewpoint, whether it comes from a 55 yr old property owner or a 25 yr old renter; they just need to hear everyone’s viewpoint. We are all members of this community and as such all have an equal say as to what type of establishments we want to exist. So if you do support Town Hall, or simply dont think a handful of residents should dictate what constitutes a desirable business in Glover Park, please attend this Thursday’s ANC meeting. Other topics will also include Bourbon’s request for a back deck, My Bakery’s liquor license, and Good Guy’s planned expansion.

If you cannot attend next Thursday, but would like to voice your support, please email the following, including your name and address to anc3b at and paulcholder at

“I support Town Hall and its substantial change application for permanent hours of operation.”

Thank you for your support and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
Paul Holder
Managing Partner

Author: Rob Goodspeed


  1. I finally checked out Town Hall a couple of weeks ago, and had a yummy steak sandwich with a glass of slightly pricey but also yummy red wine.

    But I don’t quite get exactly who these “neighbors” are who are claiming they are bothered by Town Hall. I’m looking at the restaurant’ entrance right now from my office window, and there are no residences next to it at all … it’s on a major, commercial street. There are some residences behind it, separated by an alley — but I have to imagine that the CVS two doors down creates just as much if not more inconvenience for those residents.

    The entire argument seems pretty flimsy to me. I doubt they’ll be able to block Town Hall successfully.

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