It seems the Borders employees who are seeking to get a union at that bookstore’s flagship downtown Ann Arbor store are trying to ratchet up the pressure. Organizers have started an online petition to complement the more than 4,000 they have already collected, and political students are holding a show of support this Saturday:

” Borders Readers Unite! Support Union Workers!

* * * Take action this Saturday, October 4 at 6PM * * *

…meet in front of the Liberty Street Borders Bookstore and join SOLE in an action to defend the Borders workers’ union.

* * * * *
In December 2002, workers at Borders Bookstore in downtown Ann Arbor voted 51 to 4 in favor of forming a union. Borders workers formed a union to obtain a decent standard of living, to have a voice at work and to protect the quality & tradition of Borders Store #1.

Borders Inc. is attempting to bust the Union
* Borders Inc. fired a long-term employee to intimidate workers.
* Borders Inc. reduced staffing by 1/3 at the store by eliminating higher paid positions and outsourcing the cleaning crew.
* Borders Inc. paid *millions* to one of the nation’s top union busting law firms, Jackson Lewis

Borders Inc. refuses to negotiate in good faith with the Union
* Borders Inc. refuses to negotiate on issues such as fulltime status, overtime, vacation or scheduling.
* Borders Inc. will only agree to wage increases less than what employees currently recieve.
* Borders Inc. wants to limit the union’s ability to enforce any contract that is negotiated.
* Borders Inc. made $125 million in profits last year yet refuses to negotiate a living wage with workers.”

Author: Rob