The Ann Arbor News’ coverage of the Michael Moore event is what we’ve come to expect – much better written than the Daily, but with the condescending view of some of their readership: the petty landed gentry that owns all the $1+ million houses in Ann Arbor and the buyers of homes in suburban subdivisions advertised to start “in the 300’s.” Example: should we mention Moore’s allegations the Bush administration has dubious ties to the Taliban and the Saudi royal family? No. Should the only U-M student we interview be skeptical of Moore, even though almost everybody who attended was a fan? Yes. Gotta love ‘objectivity.’

“What should we do?” a young man hollered to the guest speaker at the University of Michigan’s Power Center on Sunday night.

“Everything,” Michael Moore answered.

The social activist and Flint native, best known for his books and film documentaries addressing political and social issues, took the stage to a standing ovation from the 1,300 students and community members in the audience.
Standing in Power Center’s lobby, near a table where Moore’s new book and DVDs of “Bowling for Columbine” and “Roger and Me” were being sold, U-M student Lola Ladeinde said she enjoyed the event but didn’t fully agree with some of Moore’s opinions.

“These kinds of things are always kind of bittersweet,” the 22-year-old economics major said. “I thought it was really a good way to get people excited about the 2004 election.”

> AANews: “Michael Moore has tall order: Do everything”

Author: Rob