Tell the DDA: There are too many parking structures downtown!
“DDA asks for input on parking issues
The Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority will offer coffee and danish at the Fourth and Washington parking structure from 7 to 10 a.m. and 3:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday. As a Customer Appreciation Day, it’s a chance for area residents to let the DDA know their thoughts about the DDA and downtown parking.”
I find it odd that parking garages are deemed sacred when it comes to height – many in the downtown area top 7 or 8 stories, a height that would make local politicians sputter on about how it’s changing the “European feel” of our lovely city if they were buildings, not ugly slabs of stacked cement. I guess there’s nothing more European than a parking garage that goes over a street! I suppose parking garages are nonthreatening to the suburban mentality, which can’t conceive of a city built on the premise that at least some people wouldn’t need or desire a car. At the very least, it means free coffee and danish, but if you’ve ever paid to park in Ann Arbor – whether in a garage or at a meter on the street – you’ve paid for it: your money went to the Downtown Development Authority.