“On Friday and Saturday nights, the area around campus is saturated with parties, some in fraternities, many in private apartment houses. Students eagerly seek out the parties, which are almost always fueled by alcohol, as a way to form new social relationships. But the campus tradition also leaves in its wake property trashed with party paraphernalia, police citations for alcohol-related offenses, occasional street fights and questions about underage drinking by U-M students.

A tour of the campus and its neighboring residential areas last Saturday night, Sept. 6, the night after the home football game against Houston, found large party crowds on street corners, apartment porches and fraternity front yards. Campus and police officials say it is difficult to judge how the partying compares to recent years, but Ann Arbor police reported that the first two weekends of the fall term produced more alcohol-related citations than they’ve written in several years.”

>From one of a trilogy of stories in the Ann Arbor News: “Alcohol fuels U-M party scene”, see also “Police Party patrol spends night ticketing illegal drinkers”, and “U-M urges thinking before drinking”

From the party patrol article:

“A stern warning isn’t even considered as uniformed officers weed out underage drinkers, public drinking and disorderly conduct.

“Hammer them as many times as you can,” Sgt. James Baird told the officers as they prepared to begin their enforcement effort at 10 p.m. Behind him in the briefing room, the phrase “Hammer Time” was written on a dry erase board.”

Author: Rob