The Daily editorializes about something I have been writing about quite a bit lately: the need for the city to approve more high-rise buildings in Ann Arbor. I must say, I like what they have to say. Excerpt:
“… Sensibly designed high-rise buildings would not necessarily take away from the general feel of the town. The benefits of having tall buildings would outweigh the costs, making the greenbelt feasible and curbing suburban sprawl in the process. In addition, there are already some relatively tall buildings in downtown and campus areas, such as University Towers and the First National Bank building, that have not ruined the feel of the area. If the buildings are designed in a way that fits in with the architecture of the surrounding area, preserving adequate sidewalks for pedestrians and incorporating shops and restaurants on the ground floor then there should be no aesthetic problem with high-rises. … “
> See Daily: “Grow up Ann Arbor”