Parts of five streets in the State Street Area will become two-way this Friday: Thompson, S. State, N. University, and Liberty. City and University planners are expecting that eliminating the confusing traffic pattern of the area will reduce traffic, and make it easier for visitors to find their way around. Also, the AATA plans to introduce a downtown circulator the same day: “The Link will connect Ann Arbor’s four major shopping and dining areas—Kerrytown, State Street, Main Street, and South University and Central Campus. The buses will run every eight minutes, and 13 of 24 stops are on campus.” Here’s an idea for the AATA: a free airport shuttle.

> U. Record: “State of traffic in Ann Arbor: Parts of five streets go two-way Aug. 22”

Did you know that each one of the 16,000 trees on campus is part of a computer database?

Author: Rob