May 2003:
“American imperial adventures are usually rehearsed at Bilderberg meetings. Europe’s elite were opposed to an American invasion of Iraq since the 2002 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia. Rumsfeld himself had promised them it wouldn’t happen. Last week, everybody struck back at Rumsfeld, asking about the infamous “weapons of mass destruction”. Most of Europe’s elite do not believe American promises that Iraq’s oil will “benefit the Iraqi people”. They know that revenues from Iraqi oil will be used to rebuild what America has bombed. And the debate is still raging on what kind of contracts which rewarded Bechtel and Halliburton will “benefit” Western Europe.
Europe’s elite, according to those close to Bilderberg, are suspicious that the US does not need or even want a stable, legitimate central government in Iraq. When that happens, there will be no reason for the US to remain in the country. Europe’s elite see the US establishing “facts on the ground”: establishing a long-term military presence and getting the oil flowing again under American control. This could go on for years, as long as the Americans can guarantee enough essential services to prevent the Iraqi people from engaging in a war of national liberation.
> This from an Asia Times article “The Masters of the Universe” about a secretive organization named the Bilderberg Club, which “does not invite – or accept – Asians, Middle Easterners, Latin Americans or Africans. [to meetings]”