I was interested to see that among the demands made by the organizers of the March 5 Student Strike Against the War was the request that the U-M “Declare that the campus will not host the newly proposed Army Biotechnology Center.” And restore a clause prohibiting University weapons research, something the University did in response to student protest in the late 1960s.
According to the Army’s website, the biotechnology center would mostly conduct research in technologies that would help protect U.S. troops, and would mean at least $37 million for the host University. (The center begs the question: are the biological agents they want to protect tropps from those of terrorists or the U.S.’s own stockpile?) The University plans to submit a proposal to establish the center here, which must be appealing in light of financial pressures from the state. The good news: the University hasn’t submitted their proposal yet – student activists will have until the Army’s April 7 deadline to stop U-M from applying.
Speaking of those budget cuts, the Ann Arbor News finally ran a story about the U-M’s plans to cut. Unique to their list: restricting University-provided cell phones.