According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, in 2001 the University’s alcohol violations increased three percent, and drug violations were uup 14 percent. And according to the director of UHS: “Alcohol was the single most frequent cause for going to the emergency room for students during a study done in 1999.” From: “‘U’ alcohol, drug violations up, survey says”

Also, from the Daily’s coverage of the woodshop:
“Woodshop Manager Kurt Vosburgh, who will work the next three months on severance pay, said he understood the decision to close the woodshop. He added that he had not been surprised by the announcement, since talk of closing the woodshop has been circulating “for years.”
“The closing of the woodshop is something that has been talked about for years and years and years. When funds have been plentiful, it’s easy to fund the woodshop,” Vosburgh said. “A lot of the excitement around this is connected with the sudden dissemination of the news. On Wednesday, the only news that I had was that we were closed.””

> From this article: “Budget constraints close woodshop”

Author: Rob