The Ann Arbor City Council will consider new, tougher panhandling regulations, (See Panhandling rules revisited”) and a civil liberties resolution tonight:
“>From Mary Bejian, Campaign to Keep Ann Arbor Safe & Free
Newsflash: Urged on by the strong turnout at last Wednesday’s PATRIOT Act forum, Ann Arbor City Council is planning to vote on the civil liberties resolution tonight!
PLEASE JOIN US AT CITY COUNCIL TONIGHT (MONDAY 6/16) AT 7:30 P.M., second floor Council chambers, at Ann Arbor City Hall, 100 N. Fifth Avenue. Parking will be tight at City Hall, so for those who can, we suggest parking at either of the County lots on 4th Ave. (4th and Ann or 4th and Catherine).
The media will be there in force — let’s look good for the cameras! Feel free to bring SIGNS in support of Council’s anticipated action, American FLAGS (what’s more patriotic than protecting our civil liberties?), or anything else that shows those viewers at home that We Can Be Safe AND Free!”
Also, the Ann Arbor news runs this catch-all story of Ann Arbor street construction: Caution: Dust and disruption ahead”