I recently discovered three new Michigan blogs. Jason Mironov, the Student General Counsel of MSA has launched The voteJason.com Blogger.
Also, the MBA Wire is the blog of a somewhat neurotic future UMBS student who chronicled the business school admissions process on his website. Another recently admitted student at the U-M business school has started MichiganMBA, an anonymous blog (until July, the author promises). The author’s plans for the website: “This weblog will cover my academic, club, and community experiences as an MBA student at the University of Michigan Business School. I hope that it gives applicants, prospective students, and the public at large a sense of what the Michigan experience is like.” So far the career-driven future Wall Street businessman seems fairly smitten with his choice. From his list of top reasons to go to the UMBS:
“9. College Atmosphere
Whatever else MIT is, a typical college experience it is not. The next two years of business school are a chance for me to live in the small, college town, be part of a small, strong academic community, and go tailgating before huge football weekends. The tight-knit, dynamic, “college town” feel of Ann Arbor plays a big role in this.”