Local news I’ve been neglecting: 4 break-ins over break, and this neat story about Ann Arbor’s towing industry. The Student Strike Against the War recieved national press: CNN: “Students Pencil In Iraq protest”, BBC: “U.S. Students Protest Against War”, among others. Also, members of the Royal Shakespeare Company participated at the Anti-war rally at noon […]

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Students First and the University Party have updated their websites. Note the lack of any significant ideology from either party. (How’s this for an idea: Taco Bell on campus.) At least Students First seems to represent something more than the interests of wealthy whites fed up with too many parking tickets from driving to class […]

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While it may have been spring break here, for the rest of the world it was Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, as usual. Here on campus, Anti-War Action! is gearing up for their big student strike Wednesday, and the Ann Arbor Committee for Peace has a billboard on I-94. The Observer (London) reported yesterday on a leaked […]

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I recently posted a page on the Planada Apartment building, which the University has purchased and plans to tear down. Also, I will be in Nogales, Arizona and Mexico until Sunday, March 2 on Ian Robinson’s class on Mexico’s maquiladoras with the Borderlinks program. Have a great spring break!

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I was interested to see that among the demands made by the organizers of the March 5 Student Strike Against the War was the request that the U-M “Declare that the campus will not host the newly proposed Army Biotechnology Center.” And restore a clause prohibiting University weapons research, something the University did in response […]

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University Party member and MSA member Paul Scott wrote me an email defending the “U-Party” against my criticisms. In it, he writes: “I want to be clear that even though we are against passing resolutions which have the ability to divide this University on controversial and non-campus issues, we by no means are going to […]

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Yesterday, I was told in a meeting with Michigan Daily editor-in-chief Louie Meizlish that three recent posts to this website constituted ‘Daily-bashing,’ something prohibitied under the newspaper’s bylaws. As you may know, I was fired by previous editor-in-chief Jon Schwartz after I disagreed with him on a private email list. (He was threatening to sue […]

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