PRO-WAR ACTIVISM UPDATE: Student activists plan to hold a pro-war event on the Diag today, beginning just before the 5 p.m. peace vigil today. Also, a local organizer is calling for a “Support Our Troops Rally,” for 2 p.m. this Saturday. In a mass email distributed to Republican party members statewide, the organizers wrote, “If […]
President Bush has announced that U.S. military strikes on Iraq have begun. I will be discussing the current developments with my friend Christian Knudson from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday) on our radio show “Focus on the Issues” on 88.3 WCBN (listen online), and we will be accepting callers, as usual. Campus activists have […]
The U-M College Republicans have endorsed the UNIVERSITY PARTY for the MSA elections. See my election email page for the rest of College Republican’s endorsements.
LATE BREAKING: The Michigan Daily endorses Students First:“Galardi and Perry have the impressive resumes that almost of the candidates have … Even more importantly, these intelligent, charismatic candidates seem to be open to differing perspectives, having personal relationships with people from all walks of campus life. They are student representatives in the truest sense.…Listening to […]
Voting in the MSA elections begins at midnight! Who to vote for? ACLU-UM Picks: MSA President and VP: Monique Perry and Angela Galardi (S1)Kate Stenvig (DAAP) MSA-LSA Rep. Janet Hong (S1)Lena Masri (S1)Daniel Edelman (S1)Rachel Fisher (S1)Rosie Goldensohn (S1)Jacob Strumwasser (S1)Adam de Angeli (write-in / DAAP)Plinio Degoes (DAAP)Dana Powers (DAAP)Joe Hawley (4 out of 5) […]
Johanna Hanink wraps up the Royal Shakespeare Company residence in her column today – complaining that the multitude of educational events and classes aside, UMS kept Rushdie and the cast carefully sequestered away from the meddling public. What she doesn’t note: the cast participated in a number of peace protests, which was a nice surprise […]
Lest I delude anyone, although the University Party is dominated by a small group of conservatives, Students First is not without a conservative trying to pass for populist. Law students beware: the Law candidate for S1 is former Michigan Review editor Dustin C. Lee. Am I the only one who thinks it ironic Dustin called […]