Here’s some more info about the Supreme Court audio: “Supreme Court vows quick release of U-M a dmissions tape”, and the Court’s March 27 Press Release. The Detroit News ran a story today about diversity on campus: “Self-segregation exists on campus at center of affirmative action case” My favorite part? The comments from IFC president […]

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The Supreme Court has announced it will release audio tapes of Tuesday’s U-M admissions cases oral arguments. The article notes the court has only done that once before – for Bush v. Gore. The Ann Arbor News had an important story today about something people I know have been talking about for some time – […]

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After suffering a massive denial-of-service attack, the Al Jazaarah English website has been mostly unavaliable since it’s launch. There are two mirrors I heard about today:, and you can check out. Greek organizations are upset the city might expand a historic district to include many of their houses. The argue the preservation restrictions […]

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If you can get through the first two lines of Daily Editor-in-chief Louie Meizlish’s viewpoint today, there’s not much more awaiting you. The viewpoint, titled “Republicans need to shift gears if they want more votes from blacks” begins thus:“It used to be that if you were black, you were a Republican.The Republican Party’s first convention […]

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The headline says it all: “Mayor Young gave Saddam key to Detroit” Also, Michigan launched their own “Homeland Security” website. I feel safer already. (In case you missed it: For an articulate rebuttal of Jon Schwartz’s column about anti-war protesters, I suggest Jess Piskor’s response today.

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I have heard that the U-Party Law School candidate has been selected by MSA over the DAAP representative in a tie-breaking vote last night. As Paul Scott is quick to remind me, that brings the totals to Students First 12, U-Party 11, DAAP 1. Moral: you really can run a campaign on an empty platform […]

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