Today for the first time in my adult life, I biked to work. My 2 mile commute from Shaw to Georgetown makes for an ideal bike commute distance. However, I usually take the G2 bus across P Street which usually takes 30 to 45 minutes since I get off at P and 30th Street in […]
Who’s Prohibited from Public Transit?
Public transportation is open to all — except when it’s not. Amtrak may kick you off if you stink, and the Montgomery County bus may eject you for engaging in unwanted conversation. Whether traveling by train, taxi, bus, subway, or aircraft, public transportation providers set a host of restrictions about who can travel and on […]
Accomodating Ridership Growth at Metro Stations
Metrorail’s relatively new Station Access & Capacity Study provided us the raw data to evaluate how well the Washington region jurisdictions were doing cultivating transit oriented development, but now that summer is here I had more time to go back and investigate it in more detail. The study sought to predict ridership growth and station […]
Raise the Gas Tax to Cut Oil Company Profits
Record high crude oil prices has put the federal gas tax in center stage, as McCain and Clinton have proposed a summer holiday of the 18.4 cent federal gas tax. Thomas Friedman blasted the short-sighted proposal, as well as our leader’s failure to create a coherent energy policy. Calling it a meaningless “quick-fix” solution, Barack […]
Bike Rental Program Starts Soon
Ever wanted to rent a bike in downtown D.C. to run a quick errand or see the town? Starting next month the city’s SmartBike rental program kicks off with 120 bikes at 10 locations, where the racks have already been installed. Membership will cost $40 annually and work something like Zipcar, with rentals limited to […]