Social Security March Tomorrow

President Bush continues to push his scheme to privatize Social
Security and slash benefits for middle-class families, hundreds of
concerned citizens from across the country and the region will take to
the streets of Washington D.C. tomorrow, Friday, June 3, 2005, at 2:30
pm and march to the White House to tell President Bush “Hands Off My
Social Security.�

Citizens will gather at the Washington
Hilton’s main entrance (1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW) at 2:30 pm
tomorrow and will proceed down Connecticut Avenue towards the White
House, rallying in Lafayette Park.

Join hundreds of Take Back
America conference participants from across the country, and hundreds
of concerned citizens from the region, are expected to participate in
the march.

RSVP today:

WHAT: “Hands off my Social Security� March to White House

WHEN: Friday, June 3, 2:30 pm

Washington Hilton’s main entrance (1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW. March
to Lafayette Park in from of the White House, 16th Street &
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.


Author: Rob Goodspeed