This event on Thursday seems to be shaping up as one of the biggest this semester: WHO: Jim Hightower, Joe Wilson, John Passacantando, and more.WHEN: Thursday, September 25th, 2003 from 5-9pm.WHERE: The Power Center, 121 Fletcher, on the U. Michigan Ann Arbor campus.COST: Admission is FREE with on-site voter registration or proof of voterregistration, or […]

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“Don’t you realize how privileged you are?” Well, letters in support of Johanna Hanink’s column are running ahead of those opposing her 2-0. That must mean she’s right, not that she pissed off a lot of people who probably will never write a letter to the editor from now on. Also in the letters section […]

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A poll released yesterday found that 52% of 600 Michigan residents would ban affirmative action, 9% were undecided, and 39% in favor. The poll had a margin of error of 4 percentage points. > DetNews: “Diversity loses in two polls”

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Think the Daily would report about a student attacked near campus over the weekend? Think again, the Ann Arbor news runs this in their police beat today. Although I’ll note, in my experience as a crime reporter, the Ann Arbor police were notoriously difficult to get information from. The officer assigned to speaking to the […]

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When Rights Liberalism Backfires Or, the Daily goes where many wealthy white “liberals” have gone before … and violating their informal rule of “No Daily in the Daily” in the process. I guess she never got the memo about how many different ways there are for majority communities to support and respect minority communities. This […]

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Recently, the Michigan Daily has quietly posted their bylaws on their website, although they’ve disabled the comment feature on that page. Yes, that means they’re partly done with suggestion number four from the “Agenda for Change” part of my Inside the Daily series. To their credit, I’ve heard there are some discussions ongoing about creating […]

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This Thursday, the President’s Task Force on Purchasing Ethics and Policies will hear public comments as part of their process of formulating a Code of Conduct for university vendors, which if properly drafted could mean the University telling anti-union or otherwise unethical contractors to shape up or risk losing their contract with the University. It […]

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