Michigamua Information

This webpage is no longer being updated and retained for historical interest. The organization voted to disband in March 2021.

See Michigamua: An Investigative History or all posts about Michigamua.

Michigamua Class of 1966

Many colleges and universities have secret leadership societies. For example, the movie ‘The Skulls’ is based on Yale’s famous ‘Skull and Bones’ organization. The largest and oldest society at the University of Michigan was known as ‘Michigumua’ from 1902 until 2007, when the group changed their name to “Order of Angell” and decided to release the names of all new members. Michigamua received a great deal of publicity when a coalition of students who claimed their practices were racist and offensive to students of color invaded their meeting rooms in the top floors of the student union. This page contains the names of organization members between 1999 and 2007. Organizational affiliations are listed for identification only. For much more about the organization, please see my previous posts on the topic.

There exists at least two other secret leadership societies at the University of Michigan – Vulcan (for Engineers) and Phoenix (formerly for women only, when Michigamua was for men). Phoenix is a campus “honor society” which also used to have an office in the Tower of the Michigan Union. They tell their members they are an “anonymous” not a “secret” society. In 2004, new members of Phoenix received exclusive tour of the Union’s “tower”, in violation of the University’s policies.

If you are interested in researching Michigamua’s history, the Bentley Historical Library has a variety of information related to their history. For a sampling of some documents I have found in my research, see this page.

Michigamua Links
Michigamua Images
The Native American Student Association’s ‘Guide to Understanding’
Case against Michigumua – Document prepared by the SCC
Michigan Daily news article – written at the anniversary of the occupation
“History of Michigamua” – historical article by SCC sympathizer

Historic Members / Administrators
name activity official nickname
1. Henry Hutchins (1920) University President “Wise Chief”
2. Fielding Yost (1922) Football Coach and Athletic Director “Great Scalper”
3. Alexander Ruthven (1931) University President “Peace Maker
4. Joseph Bursley (1949) Dean of Students “Man of Many Nephews”
5. Fritz Crisler (1953) Football Coach and Athletic Director “Wise Warrior”
6. Harlan Hatcher (1962) University President “White Eagle”
7. Robben Fleming (1979) University President “Silver Feathers”
8. Bo Schembechler (1983) Football Coach “Big Ten Wrecker”
9. Brian Eisner (1988) Men’s Tennis Coach “None Coach’Um Wiser”
10. Sidney Fine (1996) Professor “Teaches So”
11. Red Berenson (1998) Men’s Hockey Coach “Scalper”

Gerald Ford Football Team, U.S. President Flipp ‘Um Back
Arthur Miller Playwright

Order of the Angel Class of 2009

Group changes name to “Order of the Angell” – Class of 2008

Michigamua Class of 2006 and 2007

Michigamua Class of 2005

Michigamua Class of 2004 (incomplete)
name activity
1. Nupur Kanodia Dance Marathon External Director kanodian
2 Bobby Nooromid
Tau Epsilon Phi / Hillel Governing Board Chair nooromid
3. Nicholas Douville
4. Brandon Roberts Baseball bradrobe
5. Jon Monger College Democrats, Hillel jmonger
6. Brian Rhodes National Society of Black Engineers
7. (removed – error)
8. John Navarre Football jnavarre
9. Grant Weber Dance Marathon
10. Steve Skripnik University Activities Center President
11. Jillian Centanni Society of Women Engineers President
12. Chris Perry Football

Michigamua Class of 2003
name activity email
1. Eric Buckstein Hillel ebukstei
2. Sara Gall Business School gallc
3. Janessa Grieco Women’s Gymnastics jgrieco
4. Steph Johnson Field Hockey sljz
5. Brian Netter Amazin Blue, UAC bnetter
6. Monica Rose Panhellenic President roseml
7. John Shouneyia Hockey shouneyi
8. Pat Owen Wrestling patowen
9. Lavelle Blanchard Basketball
10. Tyler Atkins Dance Marathon tatkins
11. Tom Church Army ROTC tchurch
12. Anita Gupta University Students Against Cancer apgupta
13. Petra Juzwishin Women’s Crew petramj
14. Rebecca Kramer President UM Engineering Council rkramer
15. Jed Ortmeyer Men’s Ice Hockey jortmeye
16. John Spytek Football jspytek

Michigamua Clas of 2002
name activity email
1. Andrea Kurrle Swimming akurrle
2. Andrew Hrovat Wrestling ahrovat
3. Bernard Drew – resigned African American RA in Markeley bdrew
4. Bradley Haudan Track bhaudan
5. Eric Wilson Swimming erwilson*
6. Gary Levy ROTC levyg
7. Ijeoma Nnodim African American groups innodim
8. Jessica Veith Field Hockey jveith
9. Jodie Rosenberg Gymnastics jlrosenb
10. Justin Bright Pike President & Interfraternity Council brightj
11. Justin Turk Band jrturk*
12. Kate Eiland Softball keiland
13. Lindsay Mann Dance Marathon & Panhell mannl
14. Lindsay Laneville The Detroit Project llanevil
15. Rebecca Kozlik Soccer rkozlik
16. Shari Katz Hillel katzsa
17. Kevin O’Malley Ice Hockey komalley
18. Jay Vancik Ice Hockey jvancik
19. Scott Vetere Men’s Gymnastics
20. Jeff Hopwood Men’s Swimming jhopwood
21. Quentin Love BGA, NSBE qlove
22. Joe Young Baseball jfyoung

Michigamua Class 2001
name activity email
1. Nick Alexander Baseball
2. Mark Altman Marching Band
3. Kacy Beitel Women’s Soccer
4. Karn Chopra Business School, Theta Chi
5. Marcus Collins BGA, Iota Phi Theta
6. Corey Fernandez IFC Exec Board, Greek Week Steering Committee, Theta Chi
7. Katie Foley Detroit Project
8. Erin Gilbert NAACP, VP Roundtable Facilitator
9. Dave Huntzicker Hockey
10. Melissa Kinney ROTC
11. Ross Kirschner Hillel
12. Bridget Knaeble Women’s Gymnastics
13. Geoff Koch Hockey
14. Bill LaRosa Baseball
15. Mike Muse Kappa Alpha Psi
16. Kevin Roulston Men’s Gymnastics
17. Vik Sarma Dance Marathon
18. Scott Werner Men’s Swimming Captain
19. Regan Wulfsberg Field Hockey

Michigamua Class of 2000

name activity official nickname email
1. Bryan F. Ackerman Dance Marathon “Wanna See my Crack Again” bryanfa
2. Nicholas J. Delgado “Latino Unity I Try to Show” ndelgado
3. Diana M. Economy MSA representative “Wanna Be”
4. Bram T. Elias MSA President “Won it by Computer Bias” btelias
5. Cynthia A. Faulk School of Education “Frat Boys I Stalk” cfaulk
6. Michael K. Forward Minority Peer Advisor, Baits Housing “I’m a Nerd” kinte
7. Jose E. Haro Gymnastics jharo
8. Douglass A. Henry Business School “Everybody I See Runs Away from Me” henryd
9. Damaune Y. Journey Minority Peer Advisor, Bursley “Who You Gonna See” djourney
10. Jason P. Kapner Football (quarterback) “Recievers had it For” jpk
11. Kevin M. Magnuson Hockey, Michigan Daily “I’m Kevin not Magnus” kevinmm
12. Scott A. Meyer Swimming “Others Always Finish Higher” meyers
13. Matthew Michalski Business School “In my Pants I Pee when Everyone Pisses Me” Michalski mjmichal
14. Stephen D. Moffat Track “First I Run then I Vomit” smoffat
15. Rishi Moudgil Founder of K-Grams “Kids Give me a Thrill” rmoudgil
16. Seema Pai LSA Student Government President “Bye Bye Miss American” spai
17. Sean C. Peach Hockey “Pucks always out of reach, missed Red Selpers Speech” speach
18. Bryce E. Ralston Baseball “Ticket to Boston” bralston
19. Rohith P. Reddy IFC President “For the Mafia I’m Dressed and” rohith
20. Robbie A. Renes School of Education “Big Boy, isnell” renes
21. Shannon C. Shakespeare Swim Team, Olympic Swimmer “At my Top, Buzzed on Beer” sshakesp
22. Darius T. Taylor Basketball “What Michigan Basketball Means for me, I could’ve said More” dttaylor
23. Cathleen C. Totin “9 mm I’m” pishaw
24. Erica L. Widder Field Hockey “Nobody Wants to Get” elwidder

Michigamua Class of 1999

1. Andrew D. Berenzweig
2. Andrew R. Potts
3. Bobby L. Scales II
4. Christopher W. Bunt
5. Cory J. Fryling
6. Delano M. White
7. Don M. Chamberlin IV
8. Dwane Q. Fuqua
9. Erik W. Ranka
10. Evan M. Meyers
11. Frank J. Lodeserto
12. Gerald B. Olivari
13. Gregory R. Daddario
14. Jeffrey Smokevitch
15. Jonathan W. Jansen
16. Joseph C. Taylor
17. Manuel F. Munguia
18. Michael C. Fair
19. Pinkey L. Oliver
20. Rahul M. Shah
21. Robert D. Hayes
22. Ryan D. Freidrichs
23. Spencer F. Preis
24. Thomas A. Malchow

Other Michigamua Members
name activity official nickname email
1. Paul A. Schissler
2. Louis Robertson “Trout-Face”
3. Donald Tucker
4. Pete Ross Baseball (’75) “Flaming Toss”
5. Pat Bauer Swimmer (’75) “Splash Power”
6. Chet Gerdts (’75) “No Lose ‘Um Shirt”
7. Jerry Karzen Tennis (’75) “You Jane, Me”
8. Paul Schissler (’75) “Lead ‘Um Saplings”
9. Corey Thomas Fernandez

Phoenix Class of 2005
name activity
1. Matt Burrows (Faculty/Alum)
2. Megan Bonde
3. Mike Penn
4. Colin Daly (Daily cartoonist)
5. Ruchi Talati
6. Priya Pai
7. Josh Holman
8. Ryan Shinska
9. Jarrod Wood
10. Melissa Mariola
11. Tony Ding (Daily Photographer)
12. Jasmine Singh
13. Melissa Hough
14. Julia Power
15. Steve Kren
16. George Kiwada
17. Kim Smith
18. Heidi Gilbert
19. Quynh-Nhu Vu
20. BreAnne McPhilamy
21. Evan Demko
22. Brittany Galisdorfer
23. Leah Ketcheson
24. Justine Silver
25. Rachel Chapin

Phoenix Class of 2004
name activity
1. Touseef Akram Bhatti Multicultural Greek Council, Alpha Iota Omicron
2. Mara Cazers Garden Club
3. Scott Davison Football Equipment Manager
4. Jake Fox Baseball
5. Joseph Gallitano
6. Jenny Gerteisen Circle K, Girls on the Run
7. Tom Gritter Men’s Soccer
8. Ameil Herrera MSA, Sigma Nu, Phi Sigma Pi
9. Mark Hodges Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi
10. Matt Kochanek Dance Marathon, Circle K, Mortar Board
11. Courtney Lewis Daily (sports staff)
12. Adam Maczik Marching Band, Fencing Club
13. Erica Margolius Michiganensian, K-Grams Bookmark
14. Matt McKee Marching Band, Golden Key
15. Jen Miller Outdoor Adventures, SGA
16. Deepa Patel Circle K, SAVE, Mortar Board
17. Christin Plunkett Women’s Crew , Campus Crusade
18. Jenny Putvin Michiganensian
19. Bharat Sharma Alpha Iota Omicron
20. Megan Wilbur Dance Marathon, College Democrats
21. Kate Woolley APO, M-Flicks, Detroit Project
22. Malinda Matney (Honorary/Faculty Member)

Phoenix Class of 2003 name activity email
1. Phillip Brabbs Football
2. Atishay Chopra Alpha Iota Omicron President, Business School
3. Kristin Derwich Society of Women Engineers, Engineering Groups
4. Tracy Jamssons
5. Lauren Katz Alpha Epsilon Phi
6. Christopher Lee Business School, Donkey Punch
7. Lisa Leenhouts Women’s Crew, Athletes in Action
8. Nicole Matti SAVE, Circle-K
9. Robert McTear Michiganensian
10. Matthew Miller Marching Band, Kappa Kappa Psi
11. Jon Moss Baseball
12. Heath Novak Men’s Swimming Camptain
13. Janet Pien SWE, Engineering Council
14. Sara Robinson LSA-SG, Sigma Kappa
15. Jeremy Schneider Men’s Track, Eta Kappa Nu
16. Erica Solway Service Groups
17. Brigit Swanson Delta Gamma
18. Kristin Taylor Panhel Exec Board, Delta Delta Delta
19. Doug Urquhart Engineering, Tau Beta Pi
20. Barry Zilan IFC Exec Boaord, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Greek Week

Phoenix Class of 2002 (incomplete)
name activity email
1. Anne Aufhammer Panhel Exec Boaord, Delta Delta Delta
2. Stephanie Bezilla Women’s Golf
3. Matt Cavanaugh Marching Band Drum Major
4. Eric Day Amazin Blue, Donkey Punch
5. Steph Deal Panhel President, Delta Gamma
6. Deitan Dubuc Football
7. Pamela Inkerbasan UAC
8. Jayme Love Michiganensian Editor-in-Chief, Alpha Phi
9. Brandon marty ROTC, Markley RA
10. Sara Rowe Circle K, Detroit Project
11. Scott Wyatt
12. Jon Arndt Men’s Swimming

Phoenix Class of 2001
name activity email
1. Jen Arndt Women’s Swimming Captain
2. Andy Derr Men’s Track Captain
3. James Devaney Business School, MSA
4. Greg Garza MSA
5. Marc Hustvedt IFC President, Theta Chi
6. Anthony Imbrunone Evans Scholars
7. Tom Kershul ROTC
8. Gerry Mangona IFC Exec Board, Sigma Phi Epsilon
9. Julie Manske M-Pact, UAC
10. Annie Maxwell Volleyball, SAAC President
11. Brand Murphy Delta Sigmam Theta
12. Amit Pandya Funktion, 58 Greene
13. Andrian Prather Bursley RA, WOLV
14. Amy Ranks Marching Band
15. Robin Sherr Kappa Kappa Gamma, Athletes in Action
16. Shana Shevitz Hillel, Architecture SG
17. Kelly Soye Project Serve Director
18. Mike Stromayer Campus Crusade, Circke-K
19. Kristina Wheaton Society of Women Engineers (SWE) President
20. Michaelle Wu Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Vulcans
21. Bakara Lewis Kinesiology SG, AIA

Please contact me regarding any needed corrections.


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