I just uploaded the first batch of photos from my summer trip to Flickr – you can check them out in this set. My flight to San Diego was delayed by almost 2 hours due to thunderstorms in the area – the photo to the left shows people watching as a downpour passed through. I didn’t mind the wait because the new Southwest terminal at BWI is really nice and the food court area was overlooking the gates instead of down the hall. When I got into San Diego I went to a restaurant and club called Ole Madrid in what they call the “gas light district” near downtown San Diego. Although the district is small it was packed – lots of people coming in from the suburbs.
Today we went to Tijuana and and Rosarito, a Mexican vacation town just south of San Diego. In Rosarito there were a number of spring break-type clubs and bars blaring music with aggressive staff outside hawking $5 all-you-can-drink bracelets. As always I was traveling with an eye for urban development – I noticed San Diego’s mass transit system goes right to the border so you can walk through the entry point and hop on a trolley to downtown San Diego.
Of course, the only major city I’m visiting on this trip without any fixed rail mass transit (or effective public buses) is Detroit, however the transit bill Congress just passed contains $100 million for a study on rapid transit between Ann Arbor and Detroit. I say: quit studying it and get busy – just make sure your route passes through Detroit Metro Airport. ArborUpdate also covered the news.
Tonight I’ll be going out in Pacific Beach, and tomorrow night I am flying up to San Francisco.