Yesterday’s “Michigan Difference” fundraising launch for an elite group of big donors was disrupted by protestors from the organization Our Voices Count, who have opposed the changes made to the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center which stripped that organization of it’s office space, and crippled its ability to serve survivors of sexual assault. Here’s the small mention of the protest from the Ann Arbor News:
” … Later, the guests were given lunch under a tent on Ingalls Mall. As they left the auditorium, a group of eight students and former students handed out fliers to protest changes to the university’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center. … “ (From the Ann Arbor News)
Allegedly, the protestors ruffled a few feathers, and they even managed to give a flyer directly to Vice President for Student Affairs E. Royster Harper, who made the budget cut decisions.
> Our Voices Count Website
> Survivor website: “SAPAC Must Stay … AS IS”