A group of pirates were ticketed after they crashed a parade held each year in Holland Michigan as part of the “Tulip Time” festival:

> From the Holland Sentinel: “Pirates will be cited for crashing parade”
> See also, Grand Rapids Press: “Holland pirates plan to pay fines, buy a brick”
From that article, it seems the cool cities program has made it to Holland:
“”It’s a very uptight community, very conservative, especially Tulip Time,” said Tom Morkas, 17. “I think people take themselves a little too seriously here.”
Morkas, president of the West Ottawa High School student senate, said he was nearly booted off the senate for his part in the parade. Two other students were suspended for a day.
As he hosed off another car, Cameron Schuster, 16, said Holland could use a few more pirates.
“There are not enough pirates in Holland compared to the Dutch,” he said. “We are just trying to support Gov. Granholm’s Cool Cities program.”