Here’s my first post on the matter. Some recent press:
> New York Daily News: “Washingtonienne week”
> The Inquirer (UK): “Washington Senate sex blogger silenced”
> AZ “Senator undecided on firing aide over sex blog”
> Gannett: “DeWine staff member’s alleged sex journaling practice exposed”
And this op-ed, which sensibly states:
” … Tell it how you want, but people have illicit sex. There is surely no exception among the satin marble halls and penetratingly pointed monuments of Washington (despite what the conservative majority may have you believe). Clinton’s trial for lying about sex to his enemies was a revelation, not because of the oval office’s penchant for pretty things, but because his impeachment exposed a Washington that conservatives (and many liberals) hypnotically pretend they are not a part of. The many conservatives who prodded Clinton for more information about his sex life, like the witch thrusting her finger into Hansel’s rib to feel the girth of his meat, were exposed as adulterers themselves. …”
> Portland State University Vanguard: “Word up: blogged sex heats D.C.”
The latest, from the AP, posted on the LA Times:
“Assistant of Ore. Sen. DeWine Is Fired
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON — An entry-level staff assistant to Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, was fired Friday after an Internet journal of her sexual exploits was made public this week.
The woman, who used the pseudonym “Washingtonienne,” claimed in her Internet “blog,” a public Web page, that she was paid for having sex with a married man she identified as the chief of staff at a federal agency.
“Most of my living expenses are thankfully subsidized by a few generous older gentlemen,” the woman wrote. “I’m sure I am not the only one who makes money on the side this way: How can anybody live on $25K/year?”
The Web log has since been taken down. The woman had worked in DeWine’s mail room since the end of February. DeWine’s office declined to disclose her name.
“After investigating these allegations, our office has determined that there was an unacceptable use of Senate computers to post unsuitable and offensive material to an Internet Web log,” the senator’s office said in a statement.”