Debbie Stabenow has introduced legislation that would make election day a holiday to help increase voting turnout:
“Studies of the 21 most advanced democracies, going all the way back to 1945, show the United States rate of voter participation is one of the lowest in the world – and continues to fall,” Stabenow says. “Between 1980 and 2000, voter participation in Australia, Italy, Germany, Denmark and Sweden was 80 percent or better, and participation in Israel, Great Britain and Canada was 70 percent or better. Over the same period, however, voter participation in the United States was just 50 percent.”
Stabenow notes a survey done by the U.S. Census Bureau shortly after the 2000 elections that found respondents cited a schedule conflict with work or school as the number one reason for not voting. … “
> “National Holiday for Election Day Proposed “
> See also George Hotelling’s Post on the issue
> Local blogger Astrogibs has weighed in as well