Sunday, April 11, 2004
VP for Student Affairs Royster Harper is juggling her various advisory committees, since she's been forced to create another:Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 15:01:51 -0400
From: Jimmy Brown
To: MI-Roundtable at
Subject: Final Roundtable - Student Advisory Group Discussion
Dear Student Roundtable:
We are writing to share the agenda for next week's Roundtable meeting--the last one of the academic year. Our topic is a very important one so we hope that as many of you as possible will plan to attend. We will meet Thursday, April 15th, 5:00-6:30 in the MSA Chambers.
As many of you may be aware, Vice President Harper has agreed to establish a Student Advisory Group to advise the Division of Student Affairs. Because Student Roundtable is a standing group with a long standing relationship with DSA, we are very interested in your input as we form this group. In particular, we are interested in what ideas you have for:
• the purpose/charge of a Student Advisory Group; and
• how membership should be selected.
Also, we are very interested in learning what you believe is the relationship of this group to other standing groups such as Roundtable and what you believe the role of Roundtable needs to be.
This conversation is one of many that the Vice President intends to have with interested student groups about the formation of a Student Advisory Group. If, in addition to sharing your voice as a member of Roundtable, you would like VP Harper to meet with your organization to discuss this topic, she is very interested in hearing from you about arranging a meeting. Please contact her directly via email (harperer at VP Harper will be working with the Office of Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) to organize these meetings.
The Division is extremely interested in your input and would very much value your voice in this discussion. We hope that you can attend Thursday's meeting and share your good ideas. Thank you in advance for your commitment to continuous improvement to student life. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
-Jimmy Brown and Sarah Koeze
Student Outreach Coordinators"
Posted by Rob at 6:19 PM