Thursday, April 01, 2004
I've been contacted by a member of the Phoenix honor society, who says the group "toured" the tower on Tuesday, and didn't have a meeting there. I don't think the distinction affects the argument I made when I reported on the visit: the tower is now closed to all students except for members of elite secretive organizations. This means the University is in violation of the recommendations of the Office Space Panel accepted by President Bollinger, unless the space is now available for tours by any student organization." ... Let me first thank you for your reply. I sincerely appreciate you comments and concern. However, as a student here at the University, I have concerns of my own.
As a journalist, it is irresponsible of you to post inaccurate or misleading information. If you don't know what you're talking about you should either say so or not say anything at all. You claim on your website that Phoenix held a meeting in the tower last night. That is simply not true. We do not and have not had access to the tower outside of last night. Our group TOURED the tower with escorts who are unaffiliated with Phoenix. I'm not going to go into the logistics that made the tour possible, but I will say that the option is available, with enough persistence, to all who have a legitimate reason to do so.
Secondly, the purpose of anonymity is to maintain the humble nature of the organization and its members. We are not to be going around, bragging about our membership. It is people like you who manipulate it into anything else. Regarding Michigamua, I am in complete alliance with NASA, but Michigamua is irrelevant in relation to Phoenix today.
With your website, you have the power to do much good by educating fellow students about things that other media outlets may not address. I commend you for your courage to do so. However, along with that power comes a responsibility for accuracy and integrity. I feel that you have compromised both in much of what you wrote regarding Phoenix. I hope that you make an effort to convey the truth, and if you don't know what that may be, honesty is
the best policy: say so."
Posted by Rob at 10:51 AM