Tuesday, March 16, 2004
This spring's student government elections starts tonight on the voting website ( at midnight and continues for 48 hours until Thursday midnight. Although I'm not giving endorsements (I didn't send out a questionnaire in time,) I know and like Jenny Nathan and Jason Mironov for MSA President and Vice President, Matt Hollerbach and Lisa Bakale-Wise for MSA-LSA Reps, and if I were in SNRE Yochi Zakai. If you are a candidate and you think I would be interested in plugging you, send me an email and plead your case.Also important: I suggest voting YES on the MSA ballot question, and voting NO on the LSA-SG ballot question.
I will, of course carry the full results of the election sometime before Monday - generally Friday or Saturday.
Posted by Rob at 9:21 PM