Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Phoenix Classes of 2004 and 2005Here's some information I was able to get about Phoenix, one of the other "Tower Societies" that used to be all female until both it and Michigamua went co-ed in the 1990s. I've heard "4 to 5" people turned down "taps" for the 2005 class, and their names are not included here. This list might not reflect members who decided to quit the organization, as occasionally happens. Also, to my knowledge, Phoenix does not bastardize Native American culture as Michigamua has. The Phoenix classes of 2001 through 2003 are listed at the bottom of my Michigamua page. If you have any reason to believe this information is inaccurate, please send me an email or leave an anonymous comment, and I will be sure to investigate and make corrections, in necessary. I'm still working on Michigamua for last year and this year, and I would also be interested in information about Vulcan.
Phoenix Class of 2004
Name Activities
Touseef Akram Bhatti Multicultural Greek Council, Alpha Iota Omicron
Mara Cazers Garden Club
Scott Davison Football Equipment Manager
Jake Fox Baseball
Joseph Gallitano
Jenny Gerteisen Circle K, Girls on the Run
Tom Gritter Men's Soccer
Ameil Herrera MSA, Sigma Nu, Phi Sigma Pi
Mark Hodges Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi
Matt Kochanek Dance Marathon, Circle K, Mortar Board
Courtney Lewis Daily (sports staff)
Adam Maczik Marching Band, Fencing Club
Erica Margolius Michiganensian, K-Grams Bookmark
Matt McKee Marching Band, Golden Key
Jen Miller Outdoor Adventures, SGA
Deepa Patel Circle K, SAVE, Mortar Board
Christin Plunkett Women's Crew, Campus Crusade
Jenny Putvin Michiganensian
Bharat Sharma Alpha Iota Omicron
Megan Wilbur Dance Marathon, College Democrats
Kate Woolley APO, M-Flicks, Detroit Project
Malinda Matney (Honorary/Faculty Member)
Phoenix Class of 2005
Matt Burrows (Faculty/Alum)
Megan Bonde
Mike Penn
Colin Daly (Daily cartoonist)
Ruchi Talati
Priya Pai
Josh Holman
Ryan Shinska
Jarrod Wood
Melissa Mariola
Tony Ding (Daily Photographer)
Jasmine Singh
Melissa Hough
Julia Power
Steve Kren
George Kiwada
Kim Smith
Heidi Gilbert
Quynh-Nhu Vu
BreAnne McPhilamy
Evan Demko
Brittany Galisdorfer
Leah Ketcheson
Justine Silver
Rachel Chapin
Posted by Rob at 12:55 PM