Wednesday, March 24, 2004
An organization I am a member of, the Urban Issues Collective, is sponsoring an event this Friday which I think will prove very interesting. We have invited two leaders of an Ann Arbor organization which advocates for New Urbanism in the city to come and speak, they'll be discussing Granny Flats, the Greenbelt, mixed-use development, and a host of other issues. The talk will be from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in the Kunzel Room of the Michigan Union on Friday, followed by a Q and A period.> Information about this event on
> See the website of the organization: Community Organization for Urban Revitalization and Sustainable Environments (COURSE)
> See the Urban Issues Collective website
Here's the email that is being circulated:
The Urban Issues Collaborative invites undergrads to a presentation and
discussion on.
March 26, 2004
Kuenzel Room, Michigan Union
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Find out:
What is New Urbanism?
Is there New Urbanism in Ann Arbor?
What could the future look like in our city?
Join us for a presentation by Arthur Nusbaum and Alan Wasserman, founders of COURSE, a local organization which advocates for new urbanism in the city of Ann Arbor, followed by a general discussion.
COURSE = Community Organization for Urban Revitilization And Sustainable Environments
Sponsored by the Urban Issues Collaborative & Students for PIRGIM
Interested in learning more?
Learn about the local issues at our event before attending the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning's MICHIGAN DEBATES ON URBANISM II
: NEW URBANISM Featuring Peter Calthorpe and Lars Lerup, moderated by Robert Fishman.
Wednesday, 3/31/04, 5:30 pm
Auditorium, Room 2104
Art + Architecture Building
Please email kkintala at with questions See or for more information
Posted by Rob at 3:25 PM