Saturday, March 20, 2004
Arthur Miller, perhaps the University's most famous alum for publicity purposes, is coming to campus, although the press release says the public talk is already sold out:" ... "In 1936, as a student at the University of Michigan, the National Youth Administration paid me $15 a month to feed a couple of thousand mice in a cancer research laboratory. I washed dishes for my meals, but without that NYA money, I couldn't have paid my room rent and would no doubt have had to leave school. Jobs in those times were next to impossible to find,” Miller said.
"In 1938 when I graduated I managed to get into the WPA Writers Project -- $22.77 a week -- for six months until the project was shut down. In that time I wrote a tragedy for the stage about the conquest of Mexico and perhaps more important, managed to break into writing for commercial radio. The government's help in both instances was brief but crucial,” he said. ... "
> UMPR: "Playwright Arthur Miller plans visit to U-M"
And we now have an official James and Ann Duderstadt Center:
" ... U-M has now named a building for all of its former presidents except Lee Bollinger, who left the university in 2002 to become president at Columbia University.
Anne Duderstadt said her husband began envisioning plans for the Media Union when has was dean of the College of Engineering, in the early 1980s.
"He talked about it for years and years," she said. "When he starts harping on something he doesn't let go until it's done." ... "
> AANews: "Media Union's new name: 'The Dude'"
Posted by Rob at 1:58 PM