Thursday, March 04, 2004
The Ann Arbor city government is holding a series of public meetings as part of their process to write a "non-motorized transportation plan":"The City of Ann Arbor Planning and Public Services Departments will host two public workshops for the City of Ann Arbor’s Comprehensive Non-motorized Transportation Plan. The meetings will be held:
* Wednesday, March 10 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM at Forsythe Middle School’s Media Center, located at 1655 Newport Road (between Miller Road and M-14)
* Thursday, March 11 from 12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM at the Michigan Theater Screening Room, located downtown (on Liberty Street near State Street)
Mark Fenton, former Olympic speed walker, pedestrian specialist, and host of PBS’s America’s Walking, will be on hand to speak to the importance of walking and bicycling to a community’s vitality. Norman Cox of The Greenway Collaborative, Inc. will discuss the current state of bicycling and walking in the city. Following the presentation Wednesday evening, there will be small group workshops to identify specific areas of concern around the city as well as participant’s visions for the future of non-motorized transportation in the City of Ann Arbor. Participants in the Thursday lunchtime meeting will be provided with fax back or mail-in worksheets so that they may provide similar input."
> See more information
Posted by Rob at 11:13 PM