Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Although the Students First Party is refusing to take a position on the issue of the LSA-SG ballot question, the current S1 LSA-SG vice president is circulating this message:"Vote NO to LSA-SG Ballot Question!!
As someone who has been an executive officer on LSA-SG for the past year, I understand how important it is for students within the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts to have a direct connection with the President and Vice-President of this government. This initiative has the danger of converting this government into an inclusive government that could become unresponsive to student needs. From experience I have found that direct campaigning and interaction with students is the BEST way to get a feel for what students really need. LSA-SG has had an amazing year and done a lot of very beneficial things for students within the college with a President and a Vice-president who were DIRECTLY ELECTED. You know who you want to be your LSA-SG execs! Keep your right to vote for them. Don't disenfranchise yourself!
Vote NO to the LSA-SG Ballot Question!!
-Tania Brown, LSA-SG Vice-President "
Posted by Rob at 2:58 PM